Thursday, 29 October 2009

Unhappy Ship

It has always been too incestuous,
This English oligarchy of ours:
The shields locked cravenly
In defence of little except privilege,
Most merit shut outside
With the derided multitude.

No wonder the whole edifice proved so frail,
Its Titanic immensity lumbering off course
Thanks to cretin-diplomacy,
With cretin-squandered lives
Pouring from the slashed social hull,
And the British Empire deflating
Like a burst zeppelin.

The Establishment excels at cover-ups,
As at obscene indefensible catastrophes,
so you rarely hear a murmur
From long-suffering common folk,
As poorly informed as led,
Though some of us wear our poppies
As a rebuke for murder.

The whitewash does not wash with us -
Your propaganda 'history'
Made by the victors of class war -
Because you are victors still,
Although your dominance wobbled in the '40s
When you had to acknowledge our skills
For defending your worthless skins.

But the danger passed.
You were quietly biding your time.
And now, despite your cries
Of 'radicalism' and 'freedom',
In fact you're trekking back
To more selfishness, more corruption,
More injustice, more scorn of brains.

You are full of yourselves now,
Waving your gaudy banner of 'enterprise' -
that euphemism to cover every crime,
Every theft, every deception.
You've dismembered the public dimension.
Wrecked education, health. You'd surely spit
On Cicero, if you knew of his existence.

What ignorant, barbarous pride!
Your tall hull taunts the sky,
Steaming away off course,
To where the quit berg waits.
When the crash comes, I shall cry:
'Nurses and teachers first!'

Philip Higson

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Resurrected and decisions made

Grateful thanks to Micky (no link provided, 'cos u all follow him anyway) for the many posts he made regarding my "disappearance".
All three of my blogs on blogspot were deleted, not by me, nor by google, but by someone who shall only be referred to as that "little bugger"

Giggle has graciously allowed me to recreate this blog, and it will be started from scratch, since all backups were also deleted by that little bugger above (and well he might hide his face).

My Technoblog wasn't doing much anyway, so I'm not going to recreate it. Any issues with blogger, either leave a comment or mail me at

The Cyber Bullying blog ( an issue which I feel strongly about, and was a co-authored blog) could not be restored on blogger (WMX verification issues - any advice?), so has been moved to Nibblebit. At this point, I have restored all the posts, but no comments, and the links to other useful resources still need to be sorted out.

Thank you to those who have already re-followed this blog, despite its non-content - it is appreciated.

Thanks also to those who have already followed my Cyber Bullying blog.
Check it out from either of the links in this post, or by clicking on the No Tolerance logo on the sidebar.

I may have appeared to disappear (if that makes sense), but I haven't.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

"Technical Hiccup"

Normal service will resumed asap - hopefully